In this blog, we’ll look at some example configurations that can be used to control telemetry flow in a standard OpenTelemetry (OTel) collector. Three scenarios will cover the current 3 main signal types across metrics, logs and traces.
OTel Collector – A Recap
The OTel collector is a powerful piece of software – some might even describe it as the “crown jewel” of the OTel project. Recall that at a high level, the OTel collector has a set of “receivers” that receive incoming telemetry of various types – this could be telemetry emitted from your existing systems/apps, or newer sources such as those that support the OpenTelemetry Protocol (OTLP) for example. Then there are “processors” that perform operations on the telemetry, before being sent to destinations with “exporters” (e.g. an existing observability backend or an S3 bucket). Receivers, processors and exporters are then organized into pipelines (by telemetry type) that are instantiated in the collector – there can be multiple processors (in series) in a pipeline.
OTel Collector Overview
Let’s begin with metrics. As we talk to folks in the market, metrics and in particular “custom metrics” are commonly adopted signals that can contribute significant value to measuring service health. The problem is that as these custom metrics are adopted by engineering teams, metric volumes, and their associated cost, can quickly explode. This is particularly true of metrics with “high cardinality” – basically datasets that can have a very large number of unique values. Consider an example application service, where we measure application response time for each user_id
, session_id
and request_id
– if each of these parameters can range from 0 to 1000, we have 1 billion unique potential combinations of these labels in our dataset. An example shell script that generates this high cardinality metric and sends it to a local statsd
collector might look something like this:
# StatsD Server Information
# Configurable Variables
METRIC_NAME="myservice.responsetime" #Base metric name
METRIC_TYPE="ms" #Metric type (timer)
INTERVAL=0.1 #Interval between sending data
MAX_COUNT=100000 #Number of metrics to send
# Function to send a metric to StatsD
send_metric() {
local metric_name="$1"
local value="$2"
local tags="$3"
echo "${metric_name}:${value}|${METRIC_TYPE}|#${tags}" | nc -u -w0 ${STATSD_HOST} ${STATSD_PORT}
# Generate and send metrics
while [ $count -lt $MAX_COUNT ]; do
# Generate unique identifiers for high cardinality
user_id=$((RANDOM % 1000))
session_id=$((RANDOM % 1000))
request_id=$((RANDOM % 1000))
#generate response time from 100 to 200 ms
metric_value=$(((RANDOM % 100)+100))
# Construct metric with tags
# Send metric to StatsD
send_metric "${METRIC_NAME}" "${metric_value}" "${metric_tags}"
# Increment and sleep
count=$((count + 1))
echo "Completed sending $MAX_COUNT metrics to StatsD."
The problem is that every unique combination of labels is considered its own “custom metric” and billed as such by many observability vendors.
Enter the “Processor”
Enter the Processor!
Now if you encountered the above scenario you might think, “well we shouldn’t really be sending that metric like that – we can ask the service team to change the code not to do that.” The problem here is that the service team typically has more important stuff to work on (opportunity cost), and well, maybe that metric is actually useful for measuring service health and diagnosing issues. We often see folks playing a constant game of “whack a mole” – reacting to high observability bills, going back to service teams to “whack” telemetry, some of which invariably would have been useful in the most recent incident etc… It’s sort of a case where observability cost is the “tail wagging the dog.”
Furthermore, don’t we want to encourage service teams to instrument more liberally, whether that be for metrics, logs or traces? You can’t manage what you don’t measure right?
So what if we let service teams instrument their code freely, and we could control the telemetry being sent at runtime? Turns out we can. One of the processors available for the OTel collector is the “Filter Processor” – that allows you to specify policies to drop/filter various types of telemetry. This processor draws on “OTTL” or “OpenTelemetry Transformation Language,” providing a lot of flexibility in identifying the telemetry we want to filter. For example, in our scenario above – maybe we want to focus our custom metric on our top/paying customer tier – for example all user_ids
that start with “1”. We can configure a processor in our collector like:
error_mode: ignore
- not ((IsMatch(attributes["user_id"], "^1")))
This processor configuration tells the collector to drop all metric datapoints that have a user_id
label (”attribute” in OTel speak) that does not being with “1” (our top/paying customer tier) – this has the net effect of dropping ~ 90% of metrics in our high cardinality script above (although we are still at ~ 100 Million label combinations 😃)
A recent conversation with a CTO yielded the quote “almost 100% of our logs go unread.” Sound familiar? It sure sounded like a processor could have been handy here as well! Many folks we talk to have at least a couple of tiers of logs they are interested in. One is typically a set of logs that are used for near term incidents, typically with retention on the order of weeks to keep costs down. Then there are the logs you need to keep around “just because” – for things like compliance and audit needs.
With the OTel collector, this is relatively straightforward – we can create a logging configuration with two log pipelines (similar to the OTel collector overview pic above) – one to route filtered and deduped logs to our “near term” logging platform of choice, and one to route all raw (maybe redacted) logs to object storage or similar for compliance/audit and recall needs.
Processors can be placed in series within a pipeline, so for our near-term logging pipeline, we could have one processor to filter logs with severity lower than WARN
(see here for the OTel logs data model and severity fields) and we could then leverage the “Log DeDuplication” processor to dedupe the remaining logs.
Our filter processor to drop all logs lower than WARN
looks like this :
- severity_number < SEVERITY_NUMBER_WARN
and our deduplication processor might look like:
interval: 5s
log_count_attribute: dedup_count
timezone: America/Chicago
Traces are probably the least adopted signal type among the current OTel signal types, but arguably the most powerful. We’ve seen some customers using traces be able to almost completely stop using logs in lieu of traces, and successfully use them to rapidly identify root cause of issues in their environments. Like metrics and logs before them though, traces (and their constituent spans) can generate vast volumes of telemetry in even a moderately sized Cloud Native environment. Enter “trace sampling”! Up until fairly recently, the state of the art was to randomly sample some percentage of traces up front (see the OTel page here for more on sampling strategies) – for example let’s keep 0.1% or 1% of our traces at random. The problem with this is invariably, when something does go wrong, the odds are high that you’ve thrown away the interesting trace (the two most interesting aspects we hear about are traces with “high latency” or “errors”). It’s sort of like that scene in “Empire Strikes Back” where Han Solo is flying the Millennium Falcon through the asteroid field and telling C3PO “never tell me the odds!”
Finding that important trace – needle in a haystack?
This has led to a concept called “Tail-Based Sampling”, where the entire trace can be assembled (e.g., in the OTel collector) and a decision made whether to retain it after the full trace has completed (e.g. keep this trace if it has latency > 300ms OR if it has errors) We’ve seen that the tail-based sampling capability alone can be justification for folks to start to instrument their traces with OTel. With tail-based sampling, yet again, there’s a processor for that. For example, to implement our tail-based sampling policy based on trace latency (e.g., greater than 300ms) or errors, we can create a processor as follows:
decision_wait: 10s
num_traces: 100
expected_new_traces_per_sec: 10
sampled_cache_size: 100000
- name: test-policy-1
type: latency
threshold_ms: 300
- name: test-policy-2
type: status_code
While cost and value are two sides of the same coin, the clear driver for tail based sampling, like many of the policies (processors) above is one of value – it’s about increasing the signal, and reducing the noise – in this case so that our teams can more rapidly and effectively track down service affecting issues and improve MTTR.
Putting It All Together
We can wire up our metrics pipeline, two logs pipelines and our traces pipeline into the following OTel collector configuration YAML – we have used “debug” exporters here but you could wire up your own observability backends, AWS S3 bucket etc… We have a statsd
receiver for our metrics (can be used in conjunction with the high cardinality script above), and we assume a standard otlp
receiver for our logs and traces. You’ll also note we’ve added a batchprocessor as the final processor in each of our pipelines as is best practice.
- severity_number < SEVERITY_NUMBER_WARN
error_mode: ignore
- not ((IsMatch(attributes["user_id"], "^1")))
interval: 5s
log_count_attribute: dedup_count
timezone: America/Chicago
decision_wait: 10s
num_traces: 100
expected_new_traces_per_sec: 10
sampled_cache_size: 100000
- name: test-policy-1
type: latency
threshold_ms: 300
- name: test-policy-2
type: status_code
- debug
- filter/severity
- logdedup
- batch
- otlp
- debug
- batch
- otlp
- debug
- filter/userid
- batch
- statsd
- debug
- tail_sampling
- batch
- otlp
To run the collector, we can use Docker (so you’ll need Docker installed). Looking at the docs, we can see that we can pass in a collector configuration file mounted as a volume, and assuming we save the above configuration as config.yaml
– note we have also opened UDP port 8125 on the container assuming that the above metrics generation script is sending to the statsd
receiver, and the general ports for OTLP. A neat (and easy) way to generate OTel logs and traces is to leverage something like
docker run -v $(pwd)/config.yaml:/etc/otelcol-contrib/config.yaml -p 8125:8125/udp -p 4317:4317 -p 4318:4318 otel/opentelemetry-collector-contrib:0.110.0
In this blog, we’ve reviewed the OTel collector and how, with appropriate configurations, it can help to streamline our Telemetry for use cases across metrics, logs and traces. While exponentially growing telemetry volumes and associated costs grab the headlines, we’ve seen that effectively controlling our telemetry can significantly improve operational efficiency and improve signal to noise, by sending the right subsets of data to the right audiences/consumers, at the right time. If you’re interested in learning more about controlling your telemetry at scale, come say 👋 at KubeCon, and get a preview of what we’re building.